Fashion Acadmies & Rules

How to get a license for a national or an international Fashion Academy or school?
To control and support all fashion businesses and fashion brands’ quality and value and support their trade, including copyright, trademark, and their exclusivity & validity we are serious and we will take action about any Illegal behaviors.
Especially in the case of fashion schools and international fashion academies in all countries.
Therefore, from the spring of 2018, all international fashion academies and schools, all activities, and holding fashion courses in countries without the official permission of the Paris Fashion Standard will be declared invalid. and to examine the topic, content, and quality of the courses, especially the instructors, and to comply with the world fashion standard. They need to apply for a (Pfs) Certificate.
Due to the importance of this issue regarding fashion and beauty academies and schools, from the January of 2022, all activities and holding any courses at the country level or internationally without the official permission of the Paris Fashion Standard ( world fashion association ) was declared illegal and will be invalid.
*Fashion Academies Standard Rules.
Fashion Academies & Fashion Schools rules in the digital age.
How to get a license for the Fashion academies or fashion schools?
According to the instruction of Paris fashion standard, from the spring of 2018, All fashion academies and school organizers have the opportunity to register and follow these rules to get a valid license :
1- experienced owners of the international or national fashion academies or schools have the opportunity to register and receive official licenses from Paris Fashion Standard until the end of 2021.
According to the new law of Paris fashion standard, fashion academy and fashion school are defined as follows. And by the beginning of 2022, they must register and receive a license to act accordingly.
1- Fashion school, which means a place where fashion courses for ages 6 to 15 are established.
2- Fashion Academy, which is a place where fashion courses for ages 15 and up are established.
– To register and get the official license for the fashion academy or fashion schools,scroll down and register.
– Are you looking to get a branch or franchise from a school or academy for your country or city? scroll down and register.
2- From 1th January 2022, all fashion schools and academies at the national or international level without PFS licenses are invalid and will not be allowed to operate. If the contrary is observed, the organizers will be dealt with formally and legally and the Activity will be prevented from continuing. Therefore, in order to comply with the new standards, all live and online schools must immediately register and receive a PFS permit in a timely manner.
3- The owners of academies & schools must guide the coaches to obtain as to become members of the Paris fashion standard before employing or renewing the yearly contract for them. employing or extension of the yearly coaching contract after announcing the opinion of Paris Fashion Standard is unrestricted. Of course, we will help the owners of Academies and schools to find good coaches and business partners in all 185 countries of the world.
– To see the list of fashion coaches, Click Here
– All coaches, to become members of Paris fashion standard, Click to register.
4- Those who are interested to hold a branch of a Fashion academy or fashion school in a country, can apply through the Paris fashion standard by completing the application form. The representation will be granted after review and during the legal and franchise process.
Are you looking to get a branch or franchise certificate from a school or academy for your country or city? Click to register
5- From first January 2022, all fashion coaches must have a valid pfs certificate.
All fashion coaches have the opportunity until the end of 2021 to register and become a member of the pfs. this will help them to be updated with new courses, new lessons, new roles, and upcoming opportunities in the digital transformation age. Otherwise, they are not allowed to operate officially.
– To see the list of fashion coaches, Click Here
– All experienced fashion coaches, to become members of Paris fashion standard,Click to register.
– Register to become an international or national fashion coach. ( 6-month online training + trainer certificate + job ) Click to register.
Importance of pfs membership :
Why do we need to register in Paris fashion standard and become a member of pfs?
The importance of membership in Paris fashion standard.
Why do you need to register in Paris fashion standard and become a member of pfs?
With this membership, you will become under the support of the world fashion association all around the world.
In order to prevent strangers from entering the field of fashion Academy, it is necessary for all experienced owners to register their brands in Paris Fashion Standard and receive a pfs license.
– Students always ask about their school, academy, or university credentials and certifications. This is where being a member and under the supervision of Paris Fashion Standard will give you global prestige and standard, and increase the value of your documents. And in this way, customers trust you more than a non-member. by giving the link address, you guide the customer to see your membership and license directly on Paris Fashion Standard website. And in general, this will increase the value and credibility of your school, academy or unversity and as a result, increase the income of your business and servicess.
– By registering and receiving a license from Paris Fashion Standard, you supporting the copyright and becoming a professional fashion business brand with international value.
– By registering and becoming a member of the paris fashion standard, we will eliminate fake fashion academies and schools in the world. And you supporting the fashion industry with this membership.
– From 2021, licensed fashion schools & academies, they required to hire people who are already been members of pfs and have been trained and certified under the pfs standard and in the field of coaching.
– This increases the quality of fashion management and training. It also leads to high profitability and support for the fashion industry. The educational fashion academies and schools in all countries, if they need a professional coach in any country, they can contact pfs and send a request to:
Official pfs license registration for fashion Universities, academies, Schools, and fashion Coaches

University License Registration
To register and get the official license for the fashion University, fill-up the form and click to apply now.

Academies License Registration
To register and get the official license for the fashion Academy, fill-up the form and click to apply now.

Schools License Registration
To register and get the official license for the fashion School, fill-up the form and click to apply now.

Coaches License Registration
To register and get the official license for the fashion Coach, fill up the form and click to apply now.

Franchise Request Registration
To establish a Fashion Academy or school branch in your country or city & get the official license, apply now
Valid List Of :
Fashion Universities, Academies, Schools, Coaches and ready for
Franchise lists with official license.

University Lists
To see the valid pfs universities List, with an official Paris fashion standard license, Click here.

To see the valid pfs academies List, with an official Paris fashion standard license, Click here.

To see the valid pfs schools List, with an official Paris fashion standard license, Click here.

To see the valid pfs coaches List, with an official Paris fashion standard license, Click here.

To see the ready-for franchise List with an official Paris fashion standard license, Click here.